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Administrative Services

We will support you in completing and updating other documents necessary for the operation of your company, such as:

Request and/or Authorization of Consecutive Resolutions for Electronic Documents

Authorization is the request for new or expanded consecutive ranges, and enabling is the request for expanded ranges that have been previously authorized or have not been used.

Renewal of the Chamber of Commerce

This obligation is nothing more than reporting the performance of the company or entity during the previous year and updating any information that has changed.

Periodic surveys of DANE

Prepare the different surveys requested by this entity over a period of time and thus avoid sanctions for failure to report.

Document management and archiving

It is the set of administrative and technical activities aimed at the planning, management and organization of the documentation produced and received by the entities, from its origin to its final destination in order to facilitate its use and conservation, complying with Law 594 of 2000 "General Law of Archives".

Parameterization of electronic documents

Define the connection data required by the company with the technology provider and the DIAN to issue electronic documents and ensure that they are correctly stamped at the DIAN for both the test and production environment.

Generation and/or Update of DIAN Electronic Signature

It is a set of electronic data that accompanies or is associated with an electronic document and whose basic functions are: To identify the signer unequivocally. To ensure the integrity of the signed document. This allows the taxpayer to sign the different obligations contracted with the DIAN.

Generation and/or Update of RUT

It is the procedure that allows you to make changes or additions to the information you have in your RUT.

Company Creation

Prepare and submit all necessary documentation to register your company with the relevant authorities, providing ongoing assistance after your company is incorporated to ensure that operations are carried out in compliance with regulations.

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